
If you become ill for more than two weeks while studying, you are entitled to an illness grant.

An illness grant means that your loan will be converted to a grant for the period in which you are ill. In the period you are awarded illness grant, we do not consider you to be delayed if you fail an exam.

f you receive sickness benefit from an employer or NAV, you receive less or nothing in illness grant.

You must have been sick for more than two weeks

You will not receive an illness grant for the first two weeks of the period of illness. The illness grant only applies from day 15 of the period of illness. The maximum time for illness grant is 4 months and 15 days in an academic year.

You must have been at least 50 per cent sick

You are entitled to an illness grant even if you have been capable of some studying during the period of illness. The requirement is that you have been at least 50 per cent incapacitated. A physician or another person authorised to issue medical certificates must confirm that you have been at least 50 per cent incapacitated in order for you to receive an illness grant.

Were you ill during examinations?

If you haven’t been ill long enough to receive an illness grant, yet were ill at the time of examinations, you should get a medical certificate to this effect. You only need to send it to us if you are later delayed by 60 credits or more. In this case we will not consider you as delayed in your education, even if you failed to pass sufficient credits.

To the application

Conditions for illness grants

  • You must have been sick for more than two weeks.
  • You must have been at least 50 per cent sick.
  • You may not receive work assessment allowance from NAV at the same time.
  • You must have applied for an ordinary loan and grant before becoming ill.