Permanent right of residence in Norway
Documentation requirements
If you have a permanent residence permit/residence card, you must submit a copy of this. Registration certificate for EEA citizens is not the same as permanent residence permit/residence card.
If you are an EEA citizen and do not have a permanent residence permit, you must submit a confirmation showing that you have been resident in Norway for a continuous period of at least five years. This means documentation showing that you have been employed, self-employed, a student or that you have had sufficient means to support yourself while living here.
If you are an EEA citizen and apply for support on the basis of permanent right of residence as a family member of an EEA citizen, you must submit documentation showing that both you and the EEA citizen you are related to, have been resident in Norway for a continuous period of at least five years.
If you are not an EEA citizen and apply for support on the basis of permanent right of residence as a family member of an EEA citizen, you must submit documentation showing that
- the EEA citizen you are related to has been resident in Norway for a continuous period of at least five years. This means documentation showing that the EEA citizen has been employed, self-employed, a student or has had sufficient means while living here.
- you have had legal residence during the same period as the EEA citizen, and you have lived with the EEA citizen during this period.
Nordic citizens must also document that they are permanent residents of Norway under these rules. We check the (Norwegian) National Registry to see if you are registered as a resident in Norway.