Residents abroad

Applies to those who are making loan repayments and reside in a different country

No separate rules

The same rules apply concerning repayments whether you live in Norway or another country.
  • you must start making loan repayments when you no longer receive support for full-time education
  • you must make payments each month
  • if you are applying for an interest exemption or erasure of debt, you need to submit additional documentation if you reside abroad

International payments

You must pay your invoices each month even if you reside abroad. The easiest and most affordable way is to pay from an account with a Norwegian bank.

Direct debit from a Norwegian bank

If you have a Norwegian bank account and you want to avoid having to transfer money every month from your foreign bank, you should transfer a larger amount to your Norwegian bank account and choose to pay via direct debit. The payment will then be withdrawn automatically on the date you select as the due date.

Even if you have moved abroad or you are registered with a foreign address in the Norwegian National Registry, it should be possible to open a bank account with a Norwegian bank, as long as you have a Norwegian personal identity number.

Electronic invoice from a Norwegian bank

If you have an account with a Norwegian bank, you can also choose to pay via electronic invoice. In this case, you will need to remember to approve the payment before the due date each month.

If you are unable to make repayments

If you have a low income or you have difficulty paying your invoices for other reasons, you are entitled to payment relief, subject to the same rules as if you lived in Norway. If you live abroad, you must expect to have to submit more documentation for any applications for certain payment relief. This is because we do not receive information from government agencies in countries other than Norway.

Here is what you need to make repayments from a foreign account:

  • account number/IBAN-number: NO5576940520300
  • bank: Dnb Bank ASA
  • name and address: Lånekassen Postboks 450 Alnabru 0614 Oslo, Norway
  • your customer or CID number, which can be found on the invoice and at Dine sider
  • information about what the payment relates to

Making repayments when you do not have a Norwegian bank account

If you do not wish to or if you are unable to open a Norwegian bank account, you will need to pay any fees and charges imposed by the foreign bank. You can pay the instalment amount in Norwegian kroner or in local currency.

You cannot make repayments in advance

If you pay in a larger amount than the amount specified on the invoice or if you make payments outside of the invoices, such payments shall be considered additional loan repayments. This means that the instalment amounts will become lower but you will receive an invoice as normal the next month.

We do not offer advance repayment options, even if you reside abroad.

You can make repayments via transfer services (e.g. TransferWise or Revolut)

You can use various money transfer services to pay your invoices from Lånekassen, which could reduce the costs associated with making repayments from abroad.

Remember to enter the correct payment information if you use TransferWise, Revolut or other transfer services to pay your invoices from Lånekassen so that the repayments are registered against the correct customer.

Use the name and CID number for the customer to which the payment relates as the reference.

You can make repayments by cheque

If you make repayments using personal cheques, i.e. cheques associated with an account you hold with your foreign bank, the cheque must be written out in your local currency. Remember to write your CID number or customer number on the cheque. Please note that you will be charged a fee of NOK 300 when making repayments by cheque. The fee will be added to your next invoice in addition to the ordinary instalment amount.

You can also purchase a currency cheque in Norwegian kroner or local currency from a local bank. Please note that cheque payments take a long time.

Send the cheque to:
P.O. Box 450 Alnabru
0614 Oslo, Norway

Repayment deferrals
See which options you have if you are unable to pay your invoice.
When you will start repayments
See what happens when you have completed your programme of education

Relevant rules