Debt and repayment

Variable rate
5.175 %
Nominal interest rate
Read more about interest rates


Defer payment of bills

36 repayment deferrals

You can defer repayment of your invoice 36 times which is 3 years. The are no specific conditions that you need to comply with in order to defer repayment.

Please remember this

It is best to apply before the deadline. If the payment deadline has passed, remember this:

  • Direct debits - you are responsible for cancelling your direct debit payments in online banking

Account number and KID

Your invoice includes all necessary information you need. If you cannot find the invoice, please use this:
  • Account number: 7694.05.20300
  • KID number. This is always the same, you may find it in earlier invoices or under your profile in Dine sider, og du finner det på Dine sider og tidligere regningene.
  • Term amount. You may find this when logging into Dine sider.